Wednesday, October 17, 2012

So close to the top and a push is all I need.

My lifelong dream and passion is so close to being achieved.  I can't believe how far I've come in just a few months.  All my hard work, dedication, determination, ambition, and love is about to be returned to me.  I'm so close, yet I just need some help in finishing it all up so I can launch.

Everything that has been completed so far is by the work of my hands and the sweat of my brow.  I've financed everything as well as put all the necessary things together that I'll need for the successful launch of my solo singer-songwriter career.  There are literally just a few things that need to be finished, most of which I've started.  I'm not the type to beg, and I'm not the type to expect things to be handed to me.  I believe strongly in working for what I want/need.  But with how close I am, this is the rare time that I need some assistance in getting to the launch of my career... and I hate having to ask for this.

My awesome manager/management team has set up some things and worked out some things that I need done in order to launch.  I trust my manager, and I trust that we will rise to the top of this industry.  I am so grateful for my manager.  This would not be possible without her.

Most of these things are a part of my EPK, (Electronic Press Kit).  An EPK is a 360 degree view of me as a singer-songwriter, performer, and artist.  It includes photos, music, my bio, show dates, a live performance video, merchandise, and other information pertaining to my work as a singer-songwriter.  The EPK is my big ticket forward.

Okay, the first thing that I'm needing to do is shoot a live performance video.  This video is literally going to be of me performing my song live.  But, it is a professional video shoot, and the quality will be phenomenal.  This video will be used for booking shows, landing endorsements/sponsors, gaining investors, and also promoting Eric Paul.  Record companies will also probably be looking at it, too.  Without this video, it will be much harder for all these interested parties to visualize what I do and who I am as an artist.  It is a key part of my overall EPK.  

The next thing I need is to finish recording 4 more songs to complete my first studio-recorded album as 'Eric Paul.'  I have already financed and recorded 8 of the 12 songs for this album, but I just need those final 4 so I can get the album done.  Once done, I can use this album to spread my name and sound to the world.  Some of the songs will be featured in my EPK, too.  But the album will be available at all shows and online.  It's essential that I finish those as soon as I can.

The final things that I need are to replicate my EP, (Extended Play - basically a disc that has 3-5 songs that I sell at shows and online), and print my T-Shirts.  I have been working with the most uniquely talented graphic designer for the designs of my first EP and T-Shirts.  Through the hard work and genius ideas of this designer, I now have my EP art ready for replication as well as the two designs for my T-Shirts to be printed.  Those are in place and ready to go, all I need is the financial resources to push them through.

All of these functions/tasks are imperative to my successful launch.  I'm so excited!

I've been finding some part-time work in the meantime, rehearsing as much as I can with my band, and rehearsing on my own with my guitar and vocals.  I'm working at it all.  I've been applying to more part-time jobs in hopes of landing something to continue helping me with my bills.  

I've been struggling lately, though, and that's why I'm asking for your support in donating to the final push of my successful launch.

There are gifts that I am offering for certain pledge brackets, too.  

If I don't reach my goal, all of the pledges that my friends, family, and fans have made will not be accepted, and I'm back to scraping for loose change.

I would love for you to join my team, to be a part of my crew, to become a part of my rise to the top of the industry.  

To become the rise and change of the music industry, please visit:

I sincerely appreciate all of your continued love and support.  Without you, I would not be able to do what I do.  I promise to give back to you for the rest of my career.  I love music, and I love writing and performing my music.  This is my calling.  This is where I'm supposed to be.  Help me with one final push to make my dream come true.  Be a part of my rise, and I will return the favor.

Thank you so much, and God Bless.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Inches from a Life Dream Turning to Reality

It's the second day of the month of October and the weather is rather nice.  I'm really enjoying the moderate temperatures, and the brisk fall breeze.  This world is an amazing place, and I'm so grateful that I get to experience it.

So the very first launch of "Eric Paul ~ singer-songwriter," is coming up very soon.  I'm literally inches away from my life's dream and passion becoming a reality.  Once this is achieved, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself!  I'm so excited!  I can't believe that I made it all happen for myself.  By the work of my own hands, and with the drive and determination inside my heart and mind, I've almost achieved what has been a lifelong dream.  It's still surreal.  I'm still trying to grasp the reality now that I'm this close.  I'm so blessed, lucky, and grateful for everything that's happening.

I'm still just slightly weary, though, because I'm not there yet.  I haven't accomplished it yet.  I am the closest I've ever been: on the doorstep of my career, getting ready to knock on the door.  Everything I've accomplished so far during this trek has been through my hard work, the love and support of my family, the love and support of my friends and fans, and the love and support of a very dear friend of mine.  If it weren't for these things, as well as my awesome manager, my amazing producer, and the talents and gifts that the Lord has blessed me with, I would not be on the doorstep of my career preparing to knock.  

I'm so damn lucky that I have all these support and/or motivational backings in place.  Everything is starting to fit together now, like a bizarre puzzle.  When I reflect upon the past couple of years I realize that all the crazy, weird events that happened which I couldn't understand at the time, were just a piece of this puzzle.  At the time, yes, they were so incomprehensible and confusing, but now they make complete sense.  I am so grateful for those pieces coming into play, no matter how much those events or experiences hurt or confused me.  I feel bad and I am very sorry for the couple of times where others' feelings were hurt, and they were left confused.  But, I look at their lives now and notice that they are far better off and happier than they were when those events took place.  Everything is a part of God's plan and the universe brings harmony when you least understand it.  Life is beautiful.

My manager and producer have been phenomenal.  They are so knowledgeable and wise when it comes to the music industry.  With their years of experience and observation, they have and continue to guide me in the proper direction to help mold a successful career with my talents and passions.  I am the luckiest singer-songwriter on this planet.  I have the best team on my side.  I have no doubt in my mind that we will be very successful.

So, with that all being stated, I'm so damn close to my life-long dream coming true.  I can taste it, feel it, and just visualize how epic it's going to be.

I want to thank you, whether you are a family member, friend, acquaintance, dear friend, or fan of mine.  Without you, none of this would be possible.  You are a truly great person, and I am lucky to have you in my life.  Thank you for all your love and support.  I hope you understand how much you mean to me.

So, how bout this: let's grow old together.  I promise to give you a lifetime of music; to open my heart and soul and share the experiences that we will go through together as we age and explore this world, through the expression of song.   

Friday, September 14, 2012

It's been Rough, but it's been Real.

Things have been very rough for me lately.  I'm in a very tough spot right now.  I'm waiting for certain things to take off, (potential tour), and I have only a few months that I have to bear with all the prep work and waiting.  The only problem is, where do I draw income?  How do I sustain my financial stability so I can survive happily enough because I'm able to get by without worry?

It scares me that I'm waking up every day not knowing if I will be able to afford a meal, afford my shelter, afford gas; just afford to live without unnecessary financial stress.  There, I said it, unnecessary financial stress.  Yes, I feel it's okay and part of life to have your basic, everyday financial stresses.  But not the stresses of, "will I be able to eat today?"  "Am I going to lose my apartment?"  "Can I even afford to drive anywhere?"

Those questions have been plaguing my mind.

On the bright side, being this poor has really been teaching me to not take life for granted, and to cherish the relationships in my life.  It's also taught me to take better care of things, and to love the talents and graces with which the Lord has blessed me.  

I am not typing this in hopes of your pity, rather, I'm typing this to express the struggles you will most-likely endure when following your dream.  But this makes it all completely worth it.  I already know that the Lord has something really big for me in store pertaining to my music.  I have faith in him and the talents he has blessed me with, but also the manager with whom I have signed.  She is awesome.  She will get things done.  Would I prefer that everything be happening already for me? - YES.  But would it potentially jeopardize my chances of becoming a timeless artist with a life-long career if it were all happening now? - YES.  All in all, I'd rather take an extra few months if it means a life-long career with my music.

I'm going to take this opportunity to thank a few people, (this is not in order of importance).  First, I want to thank my manager and producer for everything they are doing.  They are the best team any one artist could have.  Without them, I'd still be playing the coffee shops in hopes of gaining a crowd, (not that I don't enjoy playing coffee shop shows).  Second, I want to thank the band that will be supporting me when I play full-band shows... they are busting their butt, and they help enhance the sound and will add to the experience that you will witness when my first full-band show occurs.  Third, I want to thank my parents for their encouragement, support (throughout my life with lessons, attendance at shows, financial help, equipment purchases), and the unconditional love they have given me since I entered this world.  I owe them a lifetime of gratitude and love.  Fourth, I want to thank my Dear Friend.  Without this person, I would not be able to feel free in the endeavors that I partake.  I would not feel like home wherever I go.  This person is my best friend, and my biggest inspiration.

Lastly, I want to thank you. Yes... you, the person reading this very post.  Without you, I would not be able to do this... make a career out of the biggest passion in my life.  Whether you know me personally or not, are a friend or family member, or just someone who enjoys my music, it doesn't matter; without you, I would not be able to do this.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You're the reason I can be free in my art.  I promise to grow old with you, and deliver a lifetime of music.  

God Bless.


Monday, August 13, 2012

New day, new feel, new shoes, new thoughts.

So, I recently bought some new tennis shoes so I wouldn't trip over the huge flap where my treads are completely detached from the fabric/shoe. I really like what I bought... Awesome arch support, cool look, very breathable, and lightweight. With new shoes always comes a new attitude. It's like a complete break in life. It's the moment you realize that change is necessary, that you are lucky to be able to afford and have the luxury/ability to venture out and purchase new shoes whenever you want or need. It's honestly such a good feeling. Now I can work out, run, play tennis, or throw the frisbee with more comfort, ease, and support!

Change is a part of every day life for us as human beings.  It's amazing.  We live, learn, and adapt to whatever situations are thrown into our lives.  We are truly amazing creatures, and the complexities of our make up are truly summed up in our abilities.  My entire life has changed recently.  Upon my signing with LC Music Management in Nashville, TN, I've become a career singer-songwriter.  FINALLY!  Hell yea!  Life if great!  The money will be coming in soon, but for now, it's all work.  I don't mind that though, cause the work is with something that I love to do.  It's been a crazy trip!  I've been going back and forth between home and Nashville, TN.  It's such a weird feeling to finally almost be exactly where I've been dreaming for so long.  I'm not there yet, but, I'm closer than ever, and I feel I've jumped 20 steps in a matter of weeks, the same 20 steps that take other people 10 years to reach.  I'm so lucky and excited, nervous too.  But this is my new life, and I honestly can't wait to be touring and performing my heart on stage.

Life is amazing when you make your dreams your reality, stick true to yourself, endure tons of struggle, strife, and trial and error, and work hard.  Never give up folks, never.

God has blessed me, and now I'm going to give back to the world what God has given me.  I'm one lucky man.  I thank God every day for the people in my life and the spot in which I'm standing.  It's surreal.  But it won't completely hit me until I'm on tour... that I can guarantee.  But man, I sure can't wait!

God Bless, and thanks for keeping up with me!  I will be posting soon with updates and show dates!

Thanks so much everybody!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Things Are Looking Up Today.

So my solo work is finally starting to take off and shape to a great mold.  Things are definitely looking up today.  I am about to sign with a management company in Nashville,  LC Music Management.  From here, things are going to skyrocket.  There are certain things in the works right now that are going to be AWESOME.  Eric Paul is going to be a household name VERY soon. 

I'm so excited.  Everything I've been working towards is finally about to pay off.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to have to bust my ass, but this means I will be doing music FULL TIME, and loving EVERY minute of it.  It's so amazing.  I'm just still trying to gather myself after all of this.  I can't believe I've made it to this point... the point where all I have to worry about is writing songs and playing out live.  Oh - also going to photo shoots, video shoots, and the studio to record, of course, :)

Well, this is really all I wanted to update you on... 

OH - my newest single, "Bring You Home" is available to download for FREE or you can buy it by naming your own price!  It's a pretty cool concept.  I'd really, REALLY appreciate it if you would check it out, download it-( I don't care if you do it for free or pay), and then spread the word to your friends and family about it.  If there is one thing I would ever ask of you, it's to spread the word about Eric Paul.  I really appreciate all of your help, love, and support.

I will be posting soon with more details on my career developments now that it's taking off!

Thank you for everything, and I hope you have a stellar week!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Not Your Average Sunny Afternoon

Ahhh, what a pleasant Monday afternoon.  Not gonna lie, this breeze is phenomenal.  I can't ask for anything more enjoyable at the moment.  Well, that's a lie, I would love to be on a stage playing in front of hundreds or thousands of people... that would be more enjoyable, BUT- I'll definitely take this awesome day.

I have been shown a new direction: solely music.  I've been through some things lately that have pointed me in the direction of pursuing music and only music.  I've got some amazing contacts and an awesome band, but also some great solo music and have played some successful solo gigs.  I was given this talent and love for music for a purpose, it would be a shame to waste it and not spread my love and passion for this indescribable artistic form of human expression to the world and the ears of the willing.  So, I'm really really pressing the same avenues I have maintained, yet before it was in a much slower fashion.  I'm stepping my game up.  No excuses, and no backing down.  This is the dream I've kept so close to my heart for the past 17 years.  I will not fail.  
The one thing that has frustrated me with the mainstream music today is the lack of art or lack of creativity.  Yes, rappers say some hilarious lines that they've come up with, which are quirky, and creative in wordage, but the music and subject matter is completely the same.  I feel the mainstream industry uses a cookie-cutter formula and focuses too much on profit, instead of the art.  Back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, and arguably the 90s, the money supported the artist.  But now, the artist supports the money.  Labels are just wanting to make a quick and large profit.  They are business men leading an artistic industry.  I completely understand the need for business-minded individuals in the industry, don't get me wrong.  I respect most of them, too.  But the artists can't let them forget what this industry is about: the music.  

This is why I love the Foo Fighters.  They are a prime example of dudes who maintained and progressed in their own sound, reaching bounds in a natural evolution that is uniquely the Foo Fighters.  They haven't tried to write songs that cater to what sells in the industry, they just write, record, and put their sound out there.  It was amazing to see someone like them receive the 5 Grammy's they did in an industry of art that has completely lost its heart and soul.  That was epic if you ask me.

What really gets to me as well, but also makes me admire and gain more respect, is that some of these pop artists are truly gifted in their songwriting, production, and instrument talents and skills.  Lady Gaga, for example, crushes it with her piano skills, as well as her vocal abilities and songwriting dominance.  As much as I can't stand Disney-groomed stars, Nick Jonas actually has phenomenal guitar abilities, as well as other instrument talents.  He can also write really great material.  These are just a couple of examples.

I want to also throw this into the rant I'm giving you: Justin Timberlake is bad ass, PERIOD.  His style of "Pop" is actually really unique if you listen to it and then listen to all other Pop.  He writes and co-produces his own material.  He also can play guitar, piano, and obviously sings damn well.  But, I've listened to everything he does, and it's phenomenal how much intricacy and instrumentation he includes in his music.  It is a truly musical pop-style, if you ask me, and I feel he deserves way more credit than the majority of pop stars out there.

Lastly, on my rant, I completely support and understand if those who are part of the cookie-cutter industry truly love doing exactly that.  I get it.  If that's what they want, then more power to them.  And I still find most to be talented performers.  Most, not all, have good voices, and can dance like no other.  And I just want you to know that the folks that fall under the same type of Pop/R&B as Usher, I don't include them too much in the cookie-cutter industry.  In other words, there are still those who are in the "Pop" realm that are actually being creative, talented, and unique in their "Pop" sound.  

All in all, the music industry has lost its heart and soul, but I understand those who love what their doing, and I appreciate the people who in that industry are still being creative and unique... maintaining some form of art.

So - with this being said, I'm pushing my music in an industry that may not receive it so well.  But I'm okay with that.  I'm still wanting to do what I do, and I know there are people out their who will appreciate and support it, morally and financially.

So this is my statement of freedom and hope.  Here's to Eric Paul making it.  Here's to my success and happiness.  Here's to passion and love.  Here's to the music.       

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Late Night in a New City

Hey guys!  Sorry I haven't written in a while... been VERY busy.

I just wanted to shoot my update to ya'll.  I've moved now, to North Canton, OH.  I have a full-time job, but more importantly, I have more time and freedom to put towards my music career.  Yes, that's right, full-time job but MORE time and MORE freedom to focus on my music.  Funny how that works out, eh?!

Anyway, I've been playing a couple shows and a couple open mic nights and finding great success in the Akron/Canton area.  People seem to be WAAAAY more receptive to live, original music up here than they do in Dayton.  No offense to my home town- shout out to the DYT!  But I feel this move is the best 'next step' I've taken to make things happen for myself.  I'm pushing hard, and believe me, I'm NOT giving up.

My band, OneSecond, is still together, and will always remain.  We've been through our ups and downs, but who hasn't in any relationship?  Cause that's what a band is- a relationship with common interests, like music, styles of music, personalities, etc...  But we are going to stay together.  My goal with this move is to expand my sound, but also expand OneSecond's sound.  I've already began networking and making some way up here.  I feel I will have OneSecond booked in the Akron/Canton area in the next two months.

All in all, everything seems to make sense now.  I'm so excited.  Now... time for bed, gotta get up at 7AM.  Stay tuned guys, more detailed posts to come now that I've got Internet! HAHAHA.  Thank you so much for your support, and I love you all.  I wouldn't be able to do this music career without you.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Latest Thoughts

Ahhhh, here I sit two hours before a Skype interview for a very awesome job opportunity, and I'm realizing that it's been quite a long time since I've really posted something on my blog.  As I type this out, I've got "Supernatural" on the boob-tube, and nothing but time on my hands.

So I just released my first digital song ever, and not just that, but my first solo digital song ever.  The song, "Come On Now," is available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Mp3, Emusic, Tradebit,, iHeartRadio, Rumblefish, Nokia, GreatIndieMusic, Zune, Myspace Music, MediaNet, and Simfy.  It's pretty crazy to think this song that was created, written, recorded, produced, and mixed by me is available worldwide!  This is new for me, but also very exciting.  I'm so stoked about this opportunity and capability to be able to release music digitally as an independent singer/songwriter.  It's almost surreal, regardless of the amount of hype or purchases that are made, I'm rather proud of myself, haha.

The song is actually the first track on my new EP that is about to be released, titled "Latest Thoughts."  It's an 8 track EP that I have been recording and mixing for the past 2-3 months and I'm really, really excited about its release.  I'm going to sell it for as affordable a price that I can.  I don't want it to be too expensive, but I still want to recover my cost for digital distribution.  Anyway, the EP has 1 instrumental, and 7 songs on which I sing.  It's pretty fun!  The songs themselves were written completely from my heart and soul.  They are a glimpse of what's going on in my life, head, and heart.  It's awesome.  I'm so proud of my accomplishments as a human being, and as an independent singer/songwriter who is just trying to make his way through this world following a true passion.  

Anyway, it looks like it's time to shower and get ready for the day!  

Before I part from the computer, I just need to say, thank you... thank you to everyone- friends, family, and new fans, for following and supporting me in my pursuit of my passion. Thank you for the love, the shout-outs, the purchases, the words of wisdom, the words of encouragement, and everything else you've done.  I wouldn't be able to do what I do without you.  Thank you.  I promise to spend a lifetime of music with you.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Single, "Come On Now" Releasing 3.16.12!!!

Soooo, I'm pretty stoked!

My newest solo single, "Come On Now" is releasing THIS FRIDAY the 16th of March!!!  It's a digital release, and will be available at all major digital music outlets!  Check iTunes, Amazon Music, or Spotify!

I ask you to take just 5 min to purchase and download this $0.99 song, it'll be worth your time!  I'm so proud of myself.  Everything was recorded and mixed by me with the help of GarageBand, and I'm actually really happy with how it's turning out!  If you enjoy this tune, then it'll be worth your time to purchase the entire 8 song EP titled, "Latest Thoughts," which will be released by April/May.

Thank you so much for your support and love folks!  It's been awesome! And I promise to give you a lifetime of my heart and soul through my music.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

All The Hard Work

All my hard work is about to pay off.  It's nice.  I've been tirelessly working in this studio and pushing to perfect the songs I'm recording, and now finally, I've got a final single to release!

Look for the new single to be available on iTunes in the beginning weeks of March!  I'll be promoting it and making it easier for you to purchase it.  Anyway, the single for my EP "Latest Thoughts" is titled "Come On Now," and it's something I'm very excited about!

The single will be $0.99, and I promise it's worth every penny.  I'm putting a lot into this.

Sorry this post is so short, but, I gotta get back to work!

Thanks so much for all the love and support, and I'll definitely be posting on here about more in-depth feelings and thoughts soon!

Until then, keep it real guys.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Possibilities

Oh the sweet nectar of passion.  Oh the sweet nectar of passion.  Oh- the SWEET nectar of passion.

So, the recording, mixing, and "mastering" of my works are going so slowly... SO slowly.  The minute I feel something might be finished, I don't like how it is, or something is off later in the night.  Passion keeps me going though, oh how it does.  I am the type to be a perfectionist over my work.  I can't allow myself to slip into a coma of sorts where it's "good enough."  I want it to sound how I want it to sound, which is why it's taking FOREVER!  I am almost to having a few songs FINAL now.

OH- I haven't mentioned anything about how I'm doing the compilation of the music!

Well, here's how it works: I'm going to have four EP's released within two years.  Two per year. Or if it's sooner, I'm going to do that too... but what I'm really saying is I will not let myself take longer than two years to get them out.  Anyway, when the four EP's are put together, the ideas, moods, feelings, and thoughts work in a sort of flow of emotion which depict my situation or where I am at my young age of 24.  Almost like each EP is a "stage" of each experience I go through in figuring out life.

The titles are as follows:

EP1: Latest Thoughts
EP2: From A Fragile State
EP3: Searching For What's Mine
EP4: To Move Ahead

Each one has a sort of mood, or common theme/feel.  

I hope that once the first one is released, you guys continue to want more!  I am so excited about this.  I've been putting my heart, soul, time, and energy into this solo project.  Every night I find myself going to bed SO late!  But I just love it so much!

Anyway, that's all I've got so far!  Everything else is great... just trying to get more funding in so I can achieve greater success... but that's life in the modern world, and ain't it grand?!

Friday, February 10, 2012

What does it take?!

I'm sitting in the kitchen of my girlfriend's parents' house as I type this post.  I've been doing some thinking lately, and I just can't wrap my head around one thing... how do I or my band and I get a following?  Sure, the concept is easy... but the implementation has been feeling impossible these days.

We are good.  We have catchy music.  I write hooks that will haunt you for days.  I love what I do.  They love what they do.  (By they, I mean my band, by the way, hahaha).  But finding that group of people who will stay devoted to you, and come to your shows, and buy your music, yea... that's no walk in the park.  I've been doing this music thing since high school.  That's 6 years now.  It was hard then, and still stays just as hard.

I don't understand.  I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  But I can't make an honest living without a following.  I need fans.  I want this to work.  What do I do?

SO- in this very short post, you have now read the one thing that has always pissed me off about the industry... some of the, no offense, most terrible musicians will sometimes have the largest following.  When other really good musicians are struggling to have a following.  

Where do I begin? 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Changing my taillights.

     It's SuperBowl Sunday and I find myself at 3:30PM about to change my taillight covers due to heat damage from somewhat close proximity to a fire.  I'm not sure if I even want to watch the game tonight.  I don't know, it just really doesn't interest me today.  I'm also not sure if I want to partake in any SuperBowl activities or parties.  I'm not really feeling it.  What I am feeling is spending the evening with music.  

     I've been feeling strange the past couple of days.  I'm not sure what it is.  I'm trying to figure out what's up with that.  Last night my awesome band OneSecond performed at UD for the Thursday Night Live CD Release Party.  We had a blast, and received a great response!  We played pretty well, too!  I couldn't help but enjoy myself!  I know music is where my passion and heart lies.  My one true love.  My freedom.  My expression, but more importantly as I'm learning this past week: my acceptance.  Music has accepted me always.  It's great.  I love it!  I feel I can really be myself and let it all out.  If this can be a career for me, and support my lifestyle, I would be the luckiest man alive.

     Lately things are off, though.  I'm realizing that Chicago is going to have to be a long term goal.  I need to establish some work experience with a Marketing job first.  I'm thinking I might move to Cleveland, and be near my girlfriend.  I'm not sure yet.  I'm about 80% certain that's what I'll do though.  I just want to make sure that the move isn't going to be for nothing.  I'm not positive about my direction in my personal life, either.  Things FEEL weird.  Different.  So, I'm just diving into my music hoping that, as always, it gives me an idea.  It usually does that.  I've got so much potential and so much to give, and I'm just hoping that one day all that I have to give will pay off for someone.  That someone will benefit from it.  That I can improve someone else's life.  I've felt that a bit with some of my music.  I've been told that my lyrics have been an inspiration, or that a song I've written really helped someone or moved someone because of their current situation.  Being told this, makes me feel accomplished that my love can change someone.

     So, as I'm about to venture out and change these taillight covers, I am moving with one question on my mind: What's my next move?! 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Getting back on track.

It sure has been a while since I've been on here.  I know I've been absent with a lot of things going on.  But now it's good to be back on track!  

Things have been really cool lately.  My life is starting to gain focus, meaning, and inspiration.  I know what I need to do, and I'm set to do it.  

For those of you who aren't aware, and I don't think anyone, except for a special lil' lady I know, has heard this yet, but, I'm in my studio recording a solo album.  It's all recorded, mixed and mastered by me.  I'm pretty excited!  I'm giving this album the title, "Latest Thoughts."  I am aiming to have 11 songs total on this album.  As I stated earlier, I'm SO stoked!

With this happening, I've felt useful again.  It's crazy!  I feel in my element again.  It's seriously been since high school for me since I've recorded, mixed and mastered my own album.  And for once, I'm taking a ton of time working on each song until it's the best sound I can get out of the equipment and hardware I have.  But aside from the love I have for my band, OneSecond, and our shows and recording in the studio, I'm so happy to be doing my solo work in conjunction. 

BUT- allow me to expand upon this new album.  There's some cool things happening with it besides the fact that I'm taking the time to make it a quality product.  What's new about this album is it's an eclectic mix of different sounding songs that I'm writing recently.  Some are electronic-driven instrumentals, some are straight Blues/Pop/Rock, and others are Acoustic songs.  It's nice.  I am actually in the middle of recording a song that reminds me of the Foo Fighters... yea... not necessarily my main influence... but it just came out that way.  But, I can guarantee that it will not be a waste of your time to take a listen once I release this bad boy!

I have, though, been very exhausted.  Working on this album the past week and a half, I have three songs of the 11 done, to what I think are my best mixing and mastering.  BUT- guaranteed I will revisit these songs and work on them again!  Anyway, with staying up until 4 or 5AM, I sometimes work the next day in the afternoon... but I'm not waking up until maybe two hours before that shift would begin.  It's been bad.  So my most recent battle- a better sleep schedule.  

It's funny, because I noticed when I'm with my girlfriend, I am naturally on a better sleep schedule, because we tend to sync without even realizing it.  It's rather awesome... but now with us apart, it's me back to my old sleep schedule, cause I'm working on a ton of new stuff!  

Keep your eyes and ears open for the new album.  I will be announcing it on my Facebook page and on here.  When it's released, you will know, (if you check).  

Hope you all are doing great, and I really appreciate you reading my blog as well as keeping up my developments!  I am so grateful for all of you, and your support!

May God bless your lives, and I will be posting soon!  Enjoy your week :-)

Monday, January 16, 2012

It's 3:13AM on a Monday morning... what else would I be doing?!

           So, after a night of incessant booking, I find myself still awake at 3 in the morning.  My night has been REALLY productive.  I have been sending out emails to venues in attempt to book for my band OneSecond.  Along with that, I was applying to jobs via in the city of Chicago, IL.  With that cat now out of the bag, I feel safe in saying, I'm moving to Chicago, IL.  Not right away, but within the year.  Allow me to further explain what's up with my feelings on this epiphany.

           I've made a decision.  That's what I've been needing to do for quite some time.  But hell, I've MADE A DECISION.
                          'Eric Ulliman has made a decision to make the right move and do 
                                                     something grand with his life.'

           -this statement resounds in my head almost every day.  This is pretty unique for me.  I've been so scared for so long to make a move, to step outside the many comforts and securities I've been surrounded by and with which I've grown so familiar.  My entire life has been this billowy struggle.  Billowy is a great word to use.  I use this word to depict how supported I am in Dayton, OH, by family and friends.  I've worked hard in my quest to continue perfecting my craft and passion of songwriting.  I've been told how good my songs are.  I've been told how well I perform on stage.  I've been told how good I play guitar.  I've been told how my vocals are well done.  I've been raised in this environment that makes me feel GOOD about myself... but feeling good is only half the battle.  I don't want to just be good.  I want to be extraordinary.  It doesn't matter what I get into.  I am built to be great, I can feel it.  I've got a calling to music.  It's my soul.  It's my emotion.  It's my way to speak the feelings for others who can't express it themselves.  It's my life.  I have been SO determined and driven ever since I realized this is the career I am called to do.  But that determination and drive was shrouded by my fear of leaving these comforts and securities.  Well, I'm ready to leave them behind for a bit.  I'm ready to struggle.  I'm ready to succeed.  I'm ready to take a risk.

           That word, risk, has such negative connotation to it sometimes.  When people hear that word, I feel the negative aspect of it jumps out and scares people.  But, I believe this is what separates those who become successful and those who do not.  It's the individuals who take that risk that tend to be so successful.  You don't achieve success without taking a risk.  When I heard that word back in high school, I admit, I thought a bit more on the negative side of things.  But now, I hear this word, and I think it's beautiful.  I equate risk with success.  Those who are major and great in their achievements all started by taking a risk.

           It's just like falling in love, how come we are so willing to  fall in love and put ourselves on the line?  Falling in love is a risk.  It's a huge risk.  To put oneself out there and not know what could come from it.  But as I am in the highest conviction, love is one emotion and feeling that we are constantly chasing and for which we are undoubtedly willing to take a risk.  It is of the highest desire in humanity, in my opinion.  Love is amazing, and it's the best choice anyone can make.  To be unconditional in caring for, about, and choosing that one person every day over all the rest.  To take that risk.  In my eyes, when you commit and take that risk, it's almost astonishing... it tells me that this one person put herself on the line for ME.  That she is choosing ME, without knowing what could come of it.  But it all starts with a risk.  I've taken that risk recently within this past year.  And you know what?- it's the BEST decision I've ever made.  For the first time in my life I want to be a better person because I'm with someone who deserves the best.  I'm unconditional towards this person, I don't take things personally, and I put their feelings at the upmost level of consideration.  I will always be there for this individual.  And I believe she knows it. I've never had a closer, more amazing friend in my life.  And I adore the crap out of this lady.  And for the first time in my life in a relationship, everyday is actually getting BETTER than the last.  Such a cliche, but now I understand why it is written in so many love songs.  Literally, a few months ago, I thought that things couldn't be any more amazing than they were at the time.  But today, they are so extraordinary.  It's the craziest thing.  But how did it all start?- by the two of us taking a risk.

           I think this completes my thoughts in my decision process, and how I view things.  I'm ready to take on this risk.  I have faith in the Lord, and I believe he won't let me parish.  He already put an angel in my life who has made me feel more confident in myself than I've ever felt.  She truly is my angel.  So cheesy and cliche, I know, but it's true.  I've got the talent, I've got the survival skills with which my amazing mother has raised me.  My mother is one of the biggest reasons I still pursue this career, because she believes in me.  For that I will be eternally grateful, and I don't know how I'll ever be able to make recompense to her.  I was shown how to be a man in this world by my father, who is one of the most genuine, honest, hard-working men I've ever come to know.  I'm built to survive, but I'm also made to succeed.  The Lord doesn't make a man with such passion and desire for something unless it is to be used.  This is my path, and I'm so lucky to make this journey.  But not just that, I'm more lucky to be surrounded with the family and close friends that I have.  But I can already say- I will always be so fond of, and appreciative of the lady in my life who has my heart, and will forever be in my consideration.  The one with whom I am foreseeing and planning a great future.  I will always love and cherish her.  I'm the luckiest son of a bitch on this Earth.  You better believe it, because I do with every cell of which I'm made.

           So, Chicago is where more opportunity waits for me.  It's teeming with live music venues, professional, career-minded musicians, management companies, even record labels!  There's also a ton more people that live there, thus increasing my chances of pulling a larger following.  This is the city I choose, and this is the career I am continuing.  What's crazy is I feel like I didn't pick this career... it's always picked me.  From the moment I was able, I was performing for family members, and singing my heart out.  And as time went on, I realized how much I loved this great communication tool, outlet, and form of expression.  It's such a gorgeous art.  It's brilliant.

           So here I am, now 4 in the morning.  All I have to say is, watch out world, I'm taking you by the reigns, and thank you Lord for this talent and the people you've put in my life.  But more importantly, when will I land a damn job?!