Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Music City

It's been quite some time since I've been posting on my blog, and for that, I apologize! I've been very busy with my career. I moved to Nashville, TN from Akron, OH about a week ago and the month or so before the move was crazy! Had a lot of things to get in order. But I did it, and now here I am in Nashville, TN, music city, typing my thoughts and updates for you to read. 

So, the very next day after I moved down here I was put to work in the studio. I tracked my new single, "Turn Me On," with some really amazing studio players. I'm so stoked with how this song is turning out. It's definitely, FINALLY, evolving and sounding like it should be. I'm so enthralled to finish the mixing and release it to you. I hope you are ready and as excited as I am!
I am going to open up a bit. You see, this whole past year I've been dealing with some situations that completely put my creativity, integrity, and character on trial. It was the roughest year of my life. I entered into a rather dark period and was definitely not myself. It was a growing experience and I was luckily able to find myself again. I was able to do what God built me to do: be a good man and stick to my morals and values. I walked out of the year-long situation with my integrity. And mind you, this is a year of my life where I was held back and unable to launch my music career. The situation transitioned from hampering my business life to impeding my personal life. And when you mess with my livelihood, you are now on dangerous ground. I was blessed with the ability to forgive, and to give a couple of chances. But I was also blessed with street smarts and a memory. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." 

However, deep down, this whole past year was a blessing in disguise. It gave me the time and motivation to become a better guitar player, singer, and work hard on my craft of songwriting. Not only that, though, but it also taught me really valuable life-lessons and to always trust my gut. I would rather have this happen now, as opposed to later. Now I KNOW I won't be fooled again. That's all I have to say about the past year. Now onward to greater things!

So here I am, in Nashville, TN, with a kick ass single recorded and almost mixed. Plus I'll have more songs re-mixed making a full EP ready to be released by the end of Fall. I'm so stoked that things are moving forward. That's what humanity is about: progression. We're built to persevere and push forward. I love these life-lessons and growing periods. It makes life so beautiful! But of course, you won't see it that way when you're in the moment of it's happening. But now, everything all makes sense. 

Well, I'm going to leave you with what I've typed above. But before I do, I want to thank you. Whether you're a friend, family member, or fan, I just want to thank you for EVERYTHING you have done and continue to do. Your support is so essential to my career's existence. You are amazing, I promise, you will be repaid in some sort of way, (prizes, backstage passes, free tickets, etc...), and of course, with a lifetime of raw, original music. God Bless!  

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