So, I recently bought some new tennis shoes so I wouldn't trip over the huge flap where my treads are completely detached from the fabric/shoe. I really like what I bought... Awesome arch support, cool look, very breathable, and lightweight. With new shoes always comes a new attitude. It's like a complete break in life. It's the moment you realize that change is necessary, that you are lucky to be able to afford and have the luxury/ability to venture out and purchase new shoes whenever you want or need. It's honestly such a good feeling. Now I can work out, run, play tennis, or throw the frisbee with more comfort, ease, and support!
Change is a part of every day life for us as human beings. It's amazing. We live, learn, and adapt to whatever situations are thrown into our lives. We are truly amazing creatures, and the complexities of our make up are truly summed up in our abilities. My entire life has changed recently. Upon my signing with LC Music Management in Nashville, TN, I've become a career singer-songwriter. FINALLY! Hell yea! Life if great! The money will be coming in soon, but for now, it's all work. I don't mind that though, cause the work is with something that I love to do. It's been a crazy trip! I've been going back and forth between home and Nashville, TN. It's such a weird feeling to finally almost be exactly where I've been dreaming for so long. I'm not there yet, but, I'm closer than ever, and I feel I've jumped 20 steps in a matter of weeks, the same 20 steps that take other people 10 years to reach. I'm so lucky and excited, nervous too. But this is my new life, and I honestly can't wait to be touring and performing my heart on stage.
Life is amazing when you make your dreams your reality, stick true to yourself, endure tons of struggle, strife, and trial and error, and work hard. Never give up folks, never.
God has blessed me, and now I'm going to give back to the world what God has given me. I'm one lucky man. I thank God every day for the people in my life and the spot in which I'm standing. It's surreal. But it won't completely hit me until I'm on tour... that I can guarantee. But man, I sure can't wait!
God Bless, and thanks for keeping up with me! I will be posting soon with updates and show dates!
Thanks so much everybody!
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